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The Importance of Aging in Facundo Exquisito Products (Part-I)

The Importance of Aging in Facundo Exquisito Products (Part-I)

The Importance of Aging in Facundo Exquisito Products (Part-I)

Did you know that the secret to a great spirit often lies in its time spent aging?

As the great miracle of time can do for a good wine or cheese, aging turns an “OK” drink into something “extra special”. Welcome to the world of Facundo Exquisito. It is a name synonymous with the creation of some of the world’s most exquisite spirits, and their dedication; so such distinctions speak for themselves. Facundo Exquisito is living it up through an ancient process turned art form. One of the best-known spirit producers in the world, Facundo Exquisito, is honored for its investment and dedication to quality and distinction.

So, what makes Facundo Exquisito unique? It all comes down to aging. For them, aging is more than a process — it's an essential part of making spirits with severe substance and depth that people will remember. The time that went into selecting the perfect ingredients and the aging process for each bottle in Facundo Exquisito is evident; this level of expertise, along with an unwavering passion for exceeding expectations, makes a fine spirit tell its story with every sip.
Basically, aging is not only a production element but also the pillar of success for this Facundo Exquisito. With over 150 years of tradition, it is what makes their flavor so distinctive and unique. In short, the next time you reach for a well-aged glass of bourbon, know that thanks to this pivotal process, your fine spirit became an exceptional experience. 
In the first part of this web blog, we are going to delve into the aging process of Facundo Exquisito.

How Aging Plays a Role in the Quality of Facundo Exquisito
Facundo Exquisito offers a perfect example of how aging is indispensable in crafting the finest spirits. During this process, the spirit is held in barrels for a length of time, and it acquires different tastes and properties.

1. The Role Of Barrels
The barrels used to age the whiskey greatly impact its taste. They are popular for their qualities in adding subtle flavor and scent, especially oak barrels. Oakwood contains tannins and compounds that mingle with the spirit to add depth, complexity, and character.

Different kinds of oak barrels produce different flavors. American oak barrels typically add flavors of vanilla, mahogany, and spice, while European oak often imparts notes such as toastiness, coconut, and caramel. Different types of oak contribute differently to the final flavor profile of the spirit.

2. The Impact Of Aging Time
Barrel aging plays a key role in maturing and developing depth for spirits, as does the time they spend aging. Over the course of aging, alcohol interacts with ingredients released from wooden barrels and receives flavors. This gives the spirit time to slightly smooth out, gain some complexity, and develop a unique identity.

That perfect aging time can be anywhere from a few months to several years (or more, depending on the spirit and flavor profile). Some spirits need less time to mature than others. Each product developed by the Master Blender or Maître de Chai Human creates its timeline for aging to optimize the flavor.

Therefore, the aging process is understood; barrels are appreciated, and their subtle impact on a Facundo Exquisito spirit makes more sense.

The Benefits Of Aging: A Deeper Look
Aging is a complex process. This process involves aging the spirit in barrels until it matures and attains certain unique flavors.

A. Flavor Development
The spirit interacts with the wood when it ages in a barrel and extracts various flavors and aromas. This interplay of compounds occurring during the interaction results in a complex play of chemicals that all play a part in what we concluded as its natural taste profile. How long you age, your combined ingredients can greatly have different nuanced flavors and aromas.

B. Smoothness
Being aged can also mellow out a spirit and make it more rounded. As that spirit sits in the wood, over time, it picks up nuances of flavor and aroma associated with oak — imparting color to give wine or liquors their signature golden palette, mellow vanilla sweetness on the front palate, and long finish as well as a round mouthfeel which gives bourbon (or whiskey) its full-bodied character. The extracts come out of the barrel to assist in making it full, i.e., whiskey and mellowed ending, respectively.

C. Complexity
Time gives a spirit layers. Age helps to make the flavor profile more sophisticated and complex. The spirit takes a taste from the barrel and picks up flavors and smells that it would never have picked up. These are made by great-year-old spirits. Such complexity gives the spirit greater nuance and a far more interesting palette of flavors to sample.
Facundo exquisito's Aging Philosophy

The Facundo Exquisito range is known for its commitment to quality and tradition. This commitment is on full display in the way that Beam takes long-aged whiskey.

Unique Aging Philosophies
Facundo Exquisito believes that unique aging techniques are used to enhance the flavors and characteristics of its spirits. These methods may be comprised of the following:
  • > Solera System: This is an old way of aging, where part of an older spirit is moved to younger barrels, allowing a mix of flavors against the backdrop.

  • > Double Aging: Aging the spirit in two different barrels to blend unique flavors.

  • > Finishing In Special Casks: The matured spirit is placed in casks previously used for aging other spirits (sherry or port), adding flavor to it from these special casks. This is finishing, not distillation.

Stay tuned with us to read our upcoming web blog (part II) about inspiring recipes of Facundo Exquisito.

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