Charbay Meyer Lemon Vodka 1L
Charbay Meyer Lemon Vodka is a distinctive spirit crafted by blending 100% pure Meyer lemon extract with Charbay's clear vodka. The production process involves using whole, organically grown Meyer lemons, including the zest, to create a pure extract over 68 days. This meticulous method results in a vodka that delivers the authentic taste of biting into a real Meyer lemon.
Tasting Notes:
- Palate: Subtly sweet with touches of floral and spice.
- Finish: Smooth, sweet lemon flavor with a light tang.
- Gold Medal from John Barleycorn Awards.
- SIP Award.
For purchasing options, you can find Charbay Meyer Lemon Vodka on Royal Batch, an excellent source for premium spirits.
PRODUCT NAME | Charbay Meyer Lemon Vodka 1L |
PRODUCT CODE | RBBA1000068506 |
CATEGORY | Vodka |