Galliano L' Autentico Liqueur 375ml
Galliano L'Autentico Liqueur is a vibrant and aromatic spirit that has been crafted in Italy since 1896. Known for its striking golden-yellow color and complex flavor profile, Galliano is made from a blend of over 30 herbs, spices, and botanicals, including vanilla, anise, and citrus. This liqueur is a true representation of Italian craftsmanship, with a smooth, rich texture and an exquisite balance of sweet and herbal notes. Its unique flavor makes it a perfect addition to classic cocktails like the Harvey Wallbanger, or a wonderful standalone drink when enjoyed over ice.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: A complex bouquet of sweet vanilla, warm spices, and herbal undertones, with hints of citrus zest.
- Palate: A smooth and rounded flavor with a harmonious blend of vanilla, anise, and subtle herbal bitterness, complemented by a touch of honeyed sweetness.
- Finish: A long, lingering finish with a balanced herbal aftertaste and a subtle warmth.
Available at Royal Batch, Galliano L'Autentico Liqueur offers a distinctive taste experience that stands out in both classic and contemporary cocktail recipes.
PRODUCT NAME | Galliano L' Autentico Liqueur 375ml |
PRODUCT CODE | RBBA1000038223 |
CATEGORY | Liqueur |