Hayashi Ryukyu, a renowned Okinawan distillery, specializes in creating rich, flavorful awamori, the traditional spirit of Okinawa. Established in 1835, the brand blends local ingredients with a time-honored distillation process to craft unique, aromatic spirits. Royal Batch now offers Hayashi Ryukyu’s exclusive collection, bringing the authentic taste of Okinawa straight to your glass. Explore these premium selections at Royal Batch today!
Hayashi Ryukyu, a renowned Okinawan distillery, specializes in creating rich, flavorful awamori, the traditional spirit of Okinawa. Established in 1835, the brand blends local ingredients with a time-honored distillation process to craft unique, aromatic spirits. Royal Batch now offers Hayashi Ryukyu’s exclusive collection, bringing the authentic taste of Okinawa straight to your glass. Explore these premium selections at Royal Batch today!