The story of infused spirits began in a garage. In 2012, young and creative founder Seth Benhaim created a spirit that offers a natural and straightforward process that allows anyone to understand the magic of infused spirits. He infused a few hundred vodka samples in one year with only natural and authentic ingredients. Since then, he has continued to work tirelessly and passionately to ensure every bottle of infused spirit has a balanced, smooth, and bursting flavor. If you want to taste the expressions of infuse Spirits, then EXPLORE OUR collection!
The story of infused spirits began in a garage. In 2012, young and creative founder Seth Benhaim created a spirit that offers a natural and straightforward process that allows anyone to understand the magic of infused spirits. He infused a few hundred vodka samples in one year with only natural and authentic ingredients. Since then, he has continued to work tirelessly and passionately to ensure every bottle of infused spirit has a balanced, smooth, and bursting flavor. If you want to taste the expressions of infuse Spirits, then EXPLORE OUR collection!
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