Noilly Prat is a legendary French vermouth producer founded in 1813. The white wine and aromatics in this bitter are complemented beautifully by the juniper and citrus of a good gin—keeping it at the top of the list for classic cocktails like The Martini. Noilly Prat is now listed on the Royal Batch. We offer a bit of elegance to any event. Timeless in taste and steeping in history, Noilly Prat should be indispensable on any back bar worth its salt.
Noilly Prat is a legendary French vermouth producer founded in 1813. The white wine and aromatics in this bitter are complemented beautifully by the juniper and citrus of a good gin—keeping it at the top of the list for classic cocktails like The Martini. Noilly Prat is now listed on the Royal Batch. We offer a bit of elegance to any event. Timeless in taste and steeping in history, Noilly Prat should be indispensable on any back bar worth its salt.