Old Grand Dad was originated in Kentucky, United States. It was created by Raymond B. Hayden in 1882 in honor of his grandfather Basil Hayden, who became famous in the 1800s for making bourbon with a higher rye content. James Bond's preferred Bourbon whiskey was featured in the classic American song "I Drink Alone" by George Thorogood. As a leading online liquor store, Royal Batch offers a comprehensive collection of Old Grand Dad whiskey.
Old Grand Dad was originated in Kentucky, United States. It was created by Raymond B. Hayden in 1882 in honor of his grandfather Basil Hayden, who became famous in the 1800s for making bourbon with a higher rye content. James Bond's preferred Bourbon whiskey was featured in the classic American song "I Drink Alone" by George Thorogood. As a leading online liquor store, Royal Batch offers a comprehensive collection of Old Grand Dad whiskey.