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El Jolgorio Cuixe Mezcal

El Jolgorio

750 ml | 46% ABV
Mezcal forms an important part of rituals, ceremonies, and festivities in villages in our homeland of southern Mexican state of Oaxaca. These celebrations - also known as Jolgorios - always involve mezcal, a drink that spans cultures and bonds families. Fifteen unique El Jolgorio Mezcals are made from different species and varieties of rare agaves by master distillers in remote villages in the Central Valleys region of Oaxaca. Each El Jolgorio label signifies a different agave variety, with each tiny batch released in sequentially numbered editions. Due to the scarcity of wild agaves and the company's commitment to sustainability, the batches rotate, meaning each new edition might be produced by different regional producer within the network of mezcaleros. The label for each consecutive edition bears the name of the mezcalero, village, age of agave at harvest, and number of bottles produced, to connect the drinker with the place of origin and the families behind the spirit.
Agave Cuishe, like its relatives Madrecuishe and Barríl, grows a long, stalk-shaped piña with pencas (or leaves) spreading at the top. Cuishe agaves are often slightly smaller than Madrecuishe. Its dense, dry piña can yield mezcal with great minerality and spice notes. Due to their long, rod-like shape and low moisture content, Cuishe are tricky to harvest and require a mezcalero to adjust his cooking, milling, and fermentation technique during production.

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